
Tips and Tricks for Clutch Repair Jobs
The clutch is that part of your vehicle that controls the slippage between the engine and the transmission. The vehicle’s wheels don’t spin when the engine does, so the function of the clutch is to let the wheel disconnect from the engine. This will allow the driver to change gears

Troubleshooting the Starter and Vehicle Starting Circuit
Before performing the tips in this article, it would be best if you conduct a starter performance test using an alternator or starter test bench. In doing this, if the starter is not performing well, it is necessary to resolve any additional vehicle side problem in the starting circuit that

Things to Know About the Flywheel
In its simplest sense, a flywheel is any rotating disk that is installed to collect and supply energy to any system by storing this energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy. A rotating flywheel responds to any momentum that tends to change the direction of its rotation axis by