Alternator replacement
There are certain parts of your car that, if removed, render your car immediately useless. Without the wheels, your car won’t roll. Without the transmission, it won’t move. Then, there are other parts, that if removed, wouldn’t make a bit of difference in getting you to your destination. Your car
Caps and rotors
If you have an older car, chances are that one tune-up item you need to pay particular attention to is your ignition system. One item you don’t see too often anymore is the distributor. Most cars, these days, have long since transitioned to distributorless ignition systems, thus simplifying the tune-up
Diagnosing a misfire
One of the more common malfunctions in a car’s otherwise normal running condition is a misfire. What is a misfire, you ask? A misfire is when the fuel and air in a car’s cylinder doesn’t ignite properly, leading to incomplete or nonexistent combustion in that cylinder. There are several potential
Ignition wire replacement
You start your car on a damp morning. The engine sounds like it’s struggling, and for the first moment or two, it acts like it’s low on power before returning to normal. Or, maybe you have a newer car and you’ve just gotten a diagnostic trouble code indicating a misfire.
Compression testing
Oftentimes, when dealing with more advanced engine diagnostics, you’ll hear people talking about testing compression. It’s actually not a difficult process, and it can tell you a lot about what’s going on inside your engine. But, what is compression? Compression is the measure of the compressive force generated by the
Engine swap basics
As many automotive DIY-ers eventually do, I’m currently knee-deep in my first engine swap. In my case, I’m not going for an exotic swap to win points at a car show. I’m also not building an sleeper that’ll win at the drag strip. I’m just doing a one-for-one swap to