Intake manifolds explained
Your car’s engine isn’t just a solid object. It’s made up of many parts which make up individual subsystems that need to work together as an integrated unit to move your car from point A to point B. Of course, you have the lower end, consisting of the engine block,
Diagnosing a misfire
One of the more common malfunctions in a car’s otherwise normal running condition is a misfire. What is a misfire, you ask? A misfire is when the fuel and air in a car’s cylinder doesn’t ignite properly, leading to incomplete or nonexistent combustion in that cylinder. There are several potential
Fuel line replacement
One of the most commonly-neglected maintenance items I see on older cars is fuel lines. This isn’t a job that’s usually included in the factory-recommended maintenance schedule. Maintenance items are usually limited to wear-and-tear items, such as brake pads and tires. Unfortunately, very few people think of fuel lines in terms
10 Tips for Stretching Your Fuel Mileage
In this day and age, the price of fuel has surely gone up, and it is probably safe to say that this trend will continue in the coming years. Considering the rising prices of almost every other commodity, it is very important to know how to save and manage our budgets. If