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Auto PartsTech Tips

If you can’t buy a high-performance vehicle, the solution seems simple enough: buy a regular car, rig some upgrades, put the pedal to the metal, go fast. However, most car enthusiasts who have tried this would agree that expectations are not always met. There’s always too much to consider and

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Auto PartsTech Tips

Oftentimes, I get a phone call from a friend whose car is in the shop and they ask my opinion on a shop’s estimate. Eventually, I get around to asking said friends why they don’t just fix it themselves and save themselves a boatload of money. Invariably, they proclaim that

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Auto PartsSpecials

Car owners, especially enthusiasts, treat their car as a reflection and extension of character. Enthusiasts with money to spare often upgrade their vehicles with the latest in audio, video, and navigation electronics as well as body kits. However, this is an expensive hobby for regular car owners. While most upgrades

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Auto NewsUncategorized

The recent Detroit International Auto Show set the stage for which trends would rule the North American market, or possibly even a wider market.  But did you know that the list of Top 10 best-selling cars in the US, Europe and China are quite different from each other?  With automotive

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Auto News

In the last two decades or more, the senior managers at General Motors Co. have had their focus on making products that fit the production capabilities of their plants, rather than highlighting the needs and wants of their customers. Then came the heavy debt load and ballooning costs of health

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